Friday 19 February 2021


 On Wednesday the 17th, the year 7 and 8's went down to Arthur fong park to play Cricket. We got down there on the bus, and started playing almost strait away. First my team (lead by our captain Indi) Played the hard-ball boys -we were the hard ball girls-, and lost severely to 91-6! After that we played the soft-ball mixed and won by a good amount of 54-27.  It was nice to see that so many parents had come to watch their children play.We got back at quarter to 3, and in that time we had to make a poster of the Plus's, Minus's and Interesting things. As I state in my poster, it was interesting to see players who, the day before had thought they were bad, play really well!

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

After reading the journal Te Tiriti o Waitangi, these are the main ideas I got out of it.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

All about me

For the all about me activity we choose 2-3 activities so our class can learn more about us and us learning about them.

For this video we had to decide what we would do if we were president.

For this activity we put some clues about us, not too many.
And for this activity we had to make a wanted poster about ourselves.

Waitangi day 2021

Since the start of school Miss Panther has been teaching us about Te Tiriti O Waitangi, or The Treaty Of Waitangi. Something I learned about the treaty of Waitangi was that Henry and Edward William were the two men to translate The Treaty. The Maori had no written language, so I imagine I wouldn't have worked out anyway. Henry and Edward Translated the Treaty wrong, so the Maori were signing to more power the British government had over them. 

Here are some photos of my mahi.