Monday 31 May 2021

Measurement DLO


For maths this term we have been working on measurement. 

Measurement includes Area, Perimeter and converting. They are all included in the slide I had to make last week. 

Friday 21 May 2021

Isabel-new chapter

In Literacy this week we had to choose a character from our book Refugee and write the next chapter of their lives. This was mine, I hope you find it amusing, and I hope you enjoy!

(Sorry about how this was published, you will need to scroll down to read it)

Think and respond week three.

This week, we have read chapters 11-15 of our book refugee. We had to make a think and respond slide (our third this term, as we do one every week) In the book so far, Isabel's motor boat just died somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Mamoud is about to get smuggled away with his family, and Josef has just become a man and had his Bar Mitzvah.

The blue is text from the book, and the black is my thoughts. 

Monday 17 May 2021

Digital water cycle

 For homework this week we had to make a digital water cycle.

I started with the ocean, when the sun is hot on the ocean it evaporates and form clouds, then it blows around and gets really heavy so it rains, creating precipitation which makes ice and snow, then the snow melt creates runoff which creates rivers and steams. Those rivers and streams may create seepage and infiltration, which makes ground water and groundwater flow which goes under the ocean. Otherwise the rivers, streams and runoff go back into the ocean, which then will evaporate and so on.

Thursday 6 May 2021


 In room seven this week, for literacy we have been reading a book called refugee. It is about three kids, Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud, who live in different countries at different times. They all have to escape the Nazi are attacking and they have to leave! 

We did a vocabulary sheet, with all the words we didn't know or found a bit interesting and found the meaning of the words in the dictionary.

This is my filled in sheet, and I hope you like it.