Friday 21 May 2021

Think and respond week three.

This week, we have read chapters 11-15 of our book refugee. We had to make a think and respond slide (our third this term, as we do one every week) In the book so far, Isabel's motor boat just died somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Mamoud is about to get smuggled away with his family, and Josef has just become a man and had his Bar Mitzvah.

The blue is text from the book, and the black is my thoughts. 


  1. Hi Lucy, I love the way the extracts from the text are colorful (it makes it easier to tell it from your ideas!). It is very straight to the point. I like how you included some info from the book. Ka Pai!

  2. Lucy this is a great idea changing the colour of your text to show where you are directly quoting from the book. Some excellent responses!
    Miss Leigh


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