Friday 18 June 2021

Polish Child refugee

 Matka! Ojciec!” I yell “Land, I see LAND!!!”

Everybody scrambles to the front of the boat. Earlier I had been sent to the front, as I had been ‘messing around’ and now look at me! I just got the first sight of land! My name is Deifilia, I am the youngest of my family. Soon I will be the second youngest, my Matka is pregnant. My older bracia’s (brother’s) names are Darwid and Nikodem. Darwid is the oldest. My Ojciec’s (father’s) name is Lucjusz and my Matka's (mother’s) name is Aurelia. You may have realised by now but for those who haven’t, we are refugees from Poland. We are trying to get to a land called New Zealand. New Zealand is apparently a peaceful little country. When I say Little I mean minuscule, tiny! We are running away from a man called Kazimierz. His name means none other than destroyer of peace. It was not his name originally, but he changed it. His Wife's name is Dabria, translating to Angel of death. Her nickname for her large group of ‘friends’ is Dada. The one with wavy hair. Pfft, suckup.

They know they are evil.

“Oh, Deifilia!” Matka cried, “oh, Oh, OH!”

“Well done Deifilia.” Ojciec says stoutly.

This is high praise from Ojciec. It’s pretty obvious that I am his least favourite, all he wanted was the boys. Not a girl. My bracia’s grunt. Probably jealous of me. HAH! Take that sukeeeeeeer’s!!!

I flush at Ojciec’s remark. How ‘kind.’ Matka is still carrying on squealing in delight. Ojciec went to get the map. He only had to go a few steps, as the ‘boat’ is tiny. Now Matka is jabbering about where we should go in, I think a small town, but because Matka grew up and lived in the city she wants to live in the biggest one there is. Auckland I think. But I don’t. I want to live in a small town by the seashore…

I HATE small towns by the seashore. Ojciec decided that we would go to a small town called Grey Mouth. I see why. 

It. Is. Grey. It rained and rained and rained as soon as we got there. Ojciec seemed almost happy. Almost, but not quite. I think It was because we were safe. Wet, cold, but safe. Now all we needed was somewhere to stay……..

“All we have is Polish money” say’s Ojciec to no one in particular. He would not meet my eye. I can’t remember the last time he looked me in the eye anyway. I wonder if he ever has. 

“MEEEEOOOOWWWW” screeches an alleyway cat. Scaring me. I look at him, his soft blue eyes, shopping wet fur. He is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! I look at my family. They pay no attention to me or the cat. I have always wanted a cat. I scoop him up. He does not protest. I wrap him in my blanket and we carry on. 

When I get into my hotel room a little later, I open up my blankets. My Family doesn’t bother to check in on me, but I close the door anyway. 

“Hello little kitty”. I say Gently,

“I spos’ you want some food do you?”


“I’ll get you something. Hopefully.”

I go down to the cafeteria. It is only the first light, and the kitchen maids are getting ready for breakfast. I stand at the front of the cafeteria bar, but I am too short for them to see me. I decided not to talk, as I am a little scared. But eventually a kind maid, who was putting out the spoons and bowls, saw me.

“Oh, dear! You nearly gave me a heart attack girl! How may I help you. You're sure up early aren't you dear! And you're soaking!!! Did you wet the bed?”

“No miss! I’m a BIG girl! I don’t wet the bed…… Anymore.”

The Kitchen Lady had a quizzical look on her face.

“Do you want a little to… eat? Is that it? I don't speak polish sorry dear.”

I nod frantically.

“I’ll whip up a lil’ something for you then.”

She went away. I am not fluent in english. I can understand it, but not speak it.

She came back a few minutes later with some cheese and a glass of milk.

“Here you go dear. Now off you trot! Bye now,”

I went away. Dazed. Then I remembered why I had gone down in the first place.


Ece (his new name, meaning THE QUEEN) was scratching at the door when I got back. He seems to not have claw’s as there were no scratches on the door. He couldn't eat the cheese, so I did, but he lapped up his milk like his life depended on it. He was so cute! Now how to hide him…

My parents never really saw me. They were engrossed in themselves.

My Bracia’s never liked me, and seem disgusted at my very appearance. But as I sat there, my brains working like a spinning top I still couldn't think of anything. Then it hit me. I lifted up Ece and spun her around. Funnily enough she did not protest.

“Ece, I’ve got it, I’ve got it!!! I’ll give you to---”

“Defalia, what is going on in there?!? You're making such a racket!”

I am silenced.

“I-I’m singing Darwid.”

“Why?” he said in an irritated voice.

“Because...because I’m happy?”

“Well stop”

He mumbled a few things that I didn’t quite catch as he stormed away. But I did hear:

Good for nothing


I really do hate that guy. HE is good for nothing, and useless. HUH.

I go to sleep that night, and have nightmares about my war-torn country. About the killers coming in with guns and knives, slicing their heads off, and shooting their hearts. Going into my best friend _______’s house and drowning her in her sleep. Homeless people, dead bodies. Everywhere.

Ece came and snuggled next to me. Somehow he could feel my stress…


Now my country is safe. Ece is happy. My parents are happy. My Bracia’s are REALLY happy, (because I am now old enough to leave home.) Everyone Is happy.

We are safe.

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