Thursday, 26 November 2020

Te Wheke, just one more time!

 We read the story about Kupe and Te Wheke.

We got to make an animation about this story and recreate the ending.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

If I were a Cat

After I finished my writing about camp, I decided to make a poem of my own.
I called it ''If I were a Cat.''

Monday, 9 November 2020

Heat stroke and dehydration.

We are learning about heat stroke and dehydration because we want to be safe while at camp!

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Vocab crossword.

WAL: Vocabulary for our T-shaped reading unit on celebrations.

The hardest word for me was Inauguration, and its meaning.

Friday, 16 October 2020

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Forces and Motion, marble run.

On Tuesday the 15 of September, we made marble runs. My group was Atawhai, Mea and me. The chellange was to get as close to 20 seconds as possible. We beat 3 teams, but our time was only 3.58 seconds!

We did it because it was the end of our forces and motion unit, and it was our finish-up thing, and we learnt about gravity and friction.

I really enjoyed this because it allowed me to be creative and have fun! So if you would like to make one then go ahead! I would love to see you creations too!

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Kensuke's Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo.

This is my book review on screencastify about Kensuke's Kingdom, a book by Michael Morpurgo. We read this book as a class and Mrs Robins read it to us. I really liked it, but if you want to know more you'll have to read it for yourself!!!

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Narrative Writing -Atawhai the foolish-

We are learning to effectively use a writing structure (a narrative) that is appropriate to the purpose and reader.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Digital technology Matariki Project - Blue Bots and QR codes.

During the Matariki time we learnt about the stars. We made mats with QR codes taped on underneath. We shared our new knowledge about the stars with the younger students of Karoro School, and they would code Blue-Bots, to our QR codes, and then they would scan it with the i-pads. The young kids would draw pictures, and the slightly older kids, who know how to spell, would write the information. One new thing about the stars that I learnt, was that there is thousands of stars in the Matariki cluster, but with the naked eye, you can only see 9!

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Meet and greet

WALT  Greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements, and introduce ourselves and others and respond to introductions.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

WAL about Causes and effects in the environment.

WALT read and summarise ideas about Journeys.

T-Shaped Reading Unit- Journeys
Write answers to these questions after you have read each text.

These words may help you to reflect on kinds of journeys:  journey, quest, exploration, voyage, trip, trek, excursion, expedition, pilgrimage, mission.

What kind of journey has taken place?   Explain.
What was the purpose of this journey?
What challenges did the character face?
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Voyage, because it is a journey by sea.
They wanted a new experience. They also wanted to travel around the world, and they had no jobs anymore.
Rough seas and they had to eat the same food. Stomach cramps. Their dog fell off the boat.
Iris and Dogstar
A voyage, because they are going across the sea/going on a journey by sea.
To be able to see new things and go to new places.
Really rough seas. 
3 meter swells.
Cramped spaces.
Spewing a lot. Tired. Can't sleep.

Not so normal
A spaceship.
He landed on earth, and lost his spaceship.
To assess the resources on earth and maybe invade with some other aliens.
Hunger, tired, cold, he had to fit in, he had to find his spaceship, he had to wait for his spaceship to come out of the cows behind.
Underground Explorers
Exploration, because they're exploring the cave underground.
They’ve gone on a trip to prove the bulmer cave system is much larger than previously thought.
Cold sleeping spaces, need to rely on green dye, the connection of dye was weak and people still had nagging doubts that a connection could exist, the green dye project needs to be done again, if anything goes wrong there’s no cellphone coverage, help can sometimes be days away, water, mount owen is ever changing, pits, wind, digging, small spaces, snow, icicles, weather,high water problems and passages.

Tim and his friends.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Malala Yousafzai

We are learning about causes and effects in the environment.

My digital footprint DLO

These last 24 hours, my class and I have been keeping a digital footprint of whatever we do at
school and at home, on whatever device we go on. We did this so we could develop an
understanding on digital footprints.

Friday, 12 June 2020

3D shapes

WALT: make nets of shapes and models of 3D shapes.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

2020 writing

By Lucy Boere and Mea Sims.

''How to put a blog post on your blog''

  1. Go onto your blog. .
  2. Go ''new blog post'' in the right hand corner.
  3. On the top left corner, go to HTML.
  4. Go onto the page you want to upload, and copy the link.
  5. Insert the link onto HTML.
  6. Go onto Compose and you will see the page.
  7. Label and title it.
  8. Press Publish.

Monday, 11 May 2020

My food truck

On our online learning timetable sheet, one of the afternoon activities was a choice board,
on it one of the activities I chose was ''my food truck'' where I had to make or bake food and sell it in my bubble,
I chose fruit salad.
As I had to sell it, I chose to give my family monopoly money and they had to buy it off me.
Mabey you would like to try it sometime?

Friday, 8 May 2020

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

ANZAC at home

For the last 2 or 3 days my family and I (mainly mum and I) have been making this on mum and dads bedroom window. This is at night with a light behind it. We are very happy with the outcome.

Friday, 24 April 2020

He Kakano

Yesterday for He Kakano (Mouri language class) we had to print had cut out English words and there translation, then put them together with there English meaning.

Friday, 17 April 2020


Eek, just read through and I meant to say: I HAVE altered the recipe and added 50 more grams of butter, for the Weetbix fudge bellow.

I chose to make this because it does not require the use of the oven
or stove top, both of which I am not allowed to use when Mum and
Dad are at work.

Three step:
Weetbix Fudge

350g butter
10 crushed weetbix
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 cup flour
2 Tsp cocoa

Melt butter in microwave and pour over dry ingredients then mix.
Press hard into a tin. Leave until cool.

Mine came out a little crumbly so next time I will alter the recipe
by adding 50g of butter.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Letter about lock-down.

Letter about lock-down

These past two or three weeks have been tough, but my family and I have been doing all right. This past month has made me realise that if we want to get through this we have to work together and stay safe. Mum and dad are a part of essential services so they have to go to work every now and then. The hardest thing or two about staying at home are probably the fact that Izzy throws tantrums all the time ( I don’t think she's coping very well ) and that I don’t get to see my friends face to face, but I suppose at the moment it’s all for the better. I think it is GREAT that the boys are home, and that I’m nearly taller than Ben and can NEARLY beat him in a tackle ( on a good day ). It was pretty cool that the Easter Bunny left the easter eggs in the garage! The item of technology that has helped me the most is probably my Cromebook and the TV. My Chromebook because it has helped me with my learning, and the TV because it has given me and my family updates and warnings about this pandemic AND becouse we can do church Zoom. The books I have just finished reading were a bit of the series ‘’the Cul-de-sac kids’’, the best one out of those I read was probably the case of Case-d-luc. What is Case-d-luc spelt backward!?! The book I am reading NOW is called ‘’ the secret agent, and other spy kids.’’ At the moment my favourite show on netflix is called ‘’the expanding universe of Ashley Garsea’’ I think that's how it’s spelt. I am hopefully going to learn ''the arm swing'' with the nun-chuks and a few bits and pieces here and there with the Pai. I don’t really have anything else to say except...Bye!
                                                           Lucy Boere.