Wednesday 8 December 2021

Aoraki Purakau

This is my Aoraki Purakau. We drew our art, then we went over it in vivid. After that we coloured it in with pastels and cut it out and glued it onto black paper.



My camp slide

This is my camp slide: 

Health day poster

This week we have finished our last celebrations topic thing. 

When we were finished all of those, we had to make a poster of a holiday. 

I did health day.



Friday 29 October 2021

Literacy Week 3

This week we have done two tasks for our camp literacy, firstly the Hypothermia slide that I did with Emma, and also the Heat Exhaustion project that I did With Casey. So go check out their blogs too!

Thursday 30 September 2021

2004 boxing day tsunami

Here is my 500 word essay (literally, its 500 word's, approximately) on the 2004 boxing day tsunami. It was really fun, and if you want information about endangered species then go to Molly's blog!! Palm oil? Emma's blog!

My 500 word essay:

2004 Boxing day tsunami

A powerful undersea earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra island, Indonesia, set off the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Christmas or Boxing Day tsunami, on Sunday morning, Dec. 26, 2004.

At 7:59 AM, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake -one of the biggest ever recorded- burst through an undersea fault in the Indian Ocean, it shot a ginormous column of water toward unknowing shores. The Boxing Day tsunami is one of the deadliest in recorded history, taking a total of 230,000 lives in only a few hours!

With waves travelling 500 mph (meters per hour) across the Indian Ocean, the great wave hit the coastal towns of India with such great force that it made houses fold like cards, and the cars were swept up like a rainbow of oil and metal.

60 minutes later, on the opposite side of the Indian Ocean, the waves struck the southeastern coast of India near the city of Chennai, pushing already polluted water kilometres inland and killing more than 10,000 people, mostly women and children, since many of the men were out fishing. But some of the worst ruin was given to the island nation of Sri Lanka, where more than 30,000 people were swept away by the waves and hundreds of thousands of people left homeless.

As proof of the record-breaking strength of the tsunami, the last victims of the boxing day disaster perished nearly eight hours later when swelling seas and ferocious waves caught swimmers by surprise in South Africa, 5,000 miles from the earthquake’s focus!

-The aid response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was unprecedented for a natural disaster, with a colossal $6.25 bn (billion) donated to a central UN relief fund assisting 14 countries. ... Aid agencies say the response was unlike any they had seen before, particularly in the scale of donations from the public. -     Link to information

Here are some fun facts about the 2004 boxing day tsunami:

  1. 275,000 people were killed in fourteen countries across two continents, with the last two fatalities being swept out to sea in South Africa, more than twelve hours after the earthquake.

  1. “A person will be just swept up in it and carried along as debris; there's no swimming out of a tsunami,” Garrison-Laney says. 

  1. Within five years, individuals were back in homes they owned, often on their original land, in communities with new schools and in many cases improved infrastructure.

  1. Did they know the 2004 tsunami was coming?

Quite simply, they had no idea it was coming. That's because despite a history of tsunamis caused by volcanoes and earthquakes, Indonesia has not had an effective early warning system for years. Saturday's disaster isn't the first time Indonesia's disaster readiness has been criticised this year.


  1. The scientific name for the earthquake/tsunami is Sumatra-Andaman.


This report was based on the 2004 boxing-day tsunami, in the book that we read, Running Wild, by Michel Morpurgo.



Lucy Boere.

Temp kit

As we prepare for our 2021 school camp to Aurthers pass outdoor educational camp, we have had to do all our maths on coordinates and how to keep yourself warm and safe. This is Emma and my Temperature kit, so go check out Emma's blog as well!!!

Show don't tell W5

Since starting our 2nd book for the term, Running wild, by Michel Morpurgo, we have had to fill in a show don't tell every week. Here is my week 2 show don't tell:

Monday 6 September 2021

Book Rating

 Lately we have been tasked to make a slide and put some books that we have read or listen to, from a site called epic. I have done three book's so far, Wing's of fire, Brina the cat and big Nate. I hope you would like to look at Epic after reading these small book review's;    

Monday 9 August 2021


This week we had to make a poster advertising coopers station. Coopers station is a place in our book titles "alone on a wide wide sea" by Michael Morpurgo. He has over 30 books if you want to read any of his books.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Maths DLO week 9

This is my maths DLO for week nine. It had what I have been learning and how to work certain things out. I hope you learn something new from this slide.

(Sorry about the size, to read this easier, press the three dots then enter full screen. Or press ctrl+shift+F)


As you may know, it is around the time of Matariki. So for Litaracy we had to make a slide about something around Matariki. This is Emma and my slide on foods that are harvested during Matariki time. 
I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to check out Emma's blog too!

Friday 2 July 2021

Refugee week 9

This week for refugee we had to do our activities all on one slide! We have read chapters 35-40 this week and they really deepen the plot! Here is my slide, apologies on slides 3-5 as they have their chapters mixed up. I tell you this so that you won't get confused when reading another Wai members post!

Friday 25 June 2021

Think and respond week 8

This week the Wai reading group read chapters 30-35 of our book Refugee. Then we had to full out this form for think and respond.

Here is mine:

Emotive Language

This week for literacy, one of our tasks was to fill out an emotive language sheet. We had to make them more interesting. We did all of them except for the first one.

-  The men were killed / the victims were executed in cold blood  - (we did NOT do this one.)

Letter to Whanau

This week we had to make a letter to out whanau explaining the circumstances of the refugees. 
Here is mine, I hope you enjoy!

Dear family and friends, 

Did you know the circumstances of the refugees?

Did you know that they have to leave the country at night? (leaving in broad daylight would be a biiiiiit stupid.)

People become refugees when they are living in war-torn countries. They run away from their countries, to find better places for their families. It is totally up to them if they become refugees or not.

There are many countries that refugees come to NZ from. Some include: Iraq, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iran, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Sudan, Afghanistan, Colombia and Burma. Why? Well because their war-torn countries are too war-torn to live in anymore.

There are many ways to help the refugees, like: donating online, donating food and water, speaking out, fundraising for refugee organisations and sharing the tragic refugee stories to make more people inclined to helping.

We have many great organisations around the world to help refugees. Some being: UNHCR, (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or UN Refugee agency) Mercy Corps, Save the children, UNICEF, (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Catholic Relief Services and ShelterBox.

Why should we help you ask?

Well that is quite simple. Refugees are still out there today. Fighting to stay alive. Needing to lose their children so that they may live. Losing loved ones. Even $5 a month to any of those organisations helping refugees makes such a big difference!!!


from yours truly. :)

Friday 18 June 2021

Polish Child refugee

 Matka! Ojciec!” I yell “Land, I see LAND!!!”

Everybody scrambles to the front of the boat. Earlier I had been sent to the front, as I had been ‘messing around’ and now look at me! I just got the first sight of land! My name is Deifilia, I am the youngest of my family. Soon I will be the second youngest, my Matka is pregnant. My older bracia’s (brother’s) names are Darwid and Nikodem. Darwid is the oldest. My Ojciec’s (father’s) name is Lucjusz and my Matka's (mother’s) name is Aurelia. You may have realised by now but for those who haven’t, we are refugees from Poland. We are trying to get to a land called New Zealand. New Zealand is apparently a peaceful little country. When I say Little I mean minuscule, tiny! We are running away from a man called Kazimierz. His name means none other than destroyer of peace. It was not his name originally, but he changed it. His Wife's name is Dabria, translating to Angel of death. Her nickname for her large group of ‘friends’ is Dada. The one with wavy hair. Pfft, suckup.

They know they are evil.

“Oh, Deifilia!” Matka cried, “oh, Oh, OH!”

“Well done Deifilia.” Ojciec says stoutly.

This is high praise from Ojciec. It’s pretty obvious that I am his least favourite, all he wanted was the boys. Not a girl. My bracia’s grunt. Probably jealous of me. HAH! Take that sukeeeeeeer’s!!!

I flush at Ojciec’s remark. How ‘kind.’ Matka is still carrying on squealing in delight. Ojciec went to get the map. He only had to go a few steps, as the ‘boat’ is tiny. Now Matka is jabbering about where we should go in, I think a small town, but because Matka grew up and lived in the city she wants to live in the biggest one there is. Auckland I think. But I don’t. I want to live in a small town by the seashore…

I HATE small towns by the seashore. Ojciec decided that we would go to a small town called Grey Mouth. I see why. 

It. Is. Grey. It rained and rained and rained as soon as we got there. Ojciec seemed almost happy. Almost, but not quite. I think It was because we were safe. Wet, cold, but safe. Now all we needed was somewhere to stay……..

“All we have is Polish money” say’s Ojciec to no one in particular. He would not meet my eye. I can’t remember the last time he looked me in the eye anyway. I wonder if he ever has. 

“MEEEEOOOOWWWW” screeches an alleyway cat. Scaring me. I look at him, his soft blue eyes, shopping wet fur. He is the most adorable thing I have ever seen! I look at my family. They pay no attention to me or the cat. I have always wanted a cat. I scoop him up. He does not protest. I wrap him in my blanket and we carry on. 

When I get into my hotel room a little later, I open up my blankets. My Family doesn’t bother to check in on me, but I close the door anyway. 

“Hello little kitty”. I say Gently,

“I spos’ you want some food do you?”


“I’ll get you something. Hopefully.”

I go down to the cafeteria. It is only the first light, and the kitchen maids are getting ready for breakfast. I stand at the front of the cafeteria bar, but I am too short for them to see me. I decided not to talk, as I am a little scared. But eventually a kind maid, who was putting out the spoons and bowls, saw me.

“Oh, dear! You nearly gave me a heart attack girl! How may I help you. You're sure up early aren't you dear! And you're soaking!!! Did you wet the bed?”

“No miss! I’m a BIG girl! I don’t wet the bed…… Anymore.”

The Kitchen Lady had a quizzical look on her face.

“Do you want a little to… eat? Is that it? I don't speak polish sorry dear.”

I nod frantically.

“I’ll whip up a lil’ something for you then.”

She went away. I am not fluent in english. I can understand it, but not speak it.

She came back a few minutes later with some cheese and a glass of milk.

“Here you go dear. Now off you trot! Bye now,”

I went away. Dazed. Then I remembered why I had gone down in the first place.


Ece (his new name, meaning THE QUEEN) was scratching at the door when I got back. He seems to not have claw’s as there were no scratches on the door. He couldn't eat the cheese, so I did, but he lapped up his milk like his life depended on it. He was so cute! Now how to hide him…

My parents never really saw me. They were engrossed in themselves.

My Bracia’s never liked me, and seem disgusted at my very appearance. But as I sat there, my brains working like a spinning top I still couldn't think of anything. Then it hit me. I lifted up Ece and spun her around. Funnily enough she did not protest.

“Ece, I’ve got it, I’ve got it!!! I’ll give you to---”

“Defalia, what is going on in there?!? You're making such a racket!”

I am silenced.

“I-I’m singing Darwid.”

“Why?” he said in an irritated voice.

“Because...because I’m happy?”

“Well stop”

He mumbled a few things that I didn’t quite catch as he stormed away. But I did hear:

Good for nothing


I really do hate that guy. HE is good for nothing, and useless. HUH.

I go to sleep that night, and have nightmares about my war-torn country. About the killers coming in with guns and knives, slicing their heads off, and shooting their hearts. Going into my best friend _______’s house and drowning her in her sleep. Homeless people, dead bodies. Everywhere.

Ece came and snuggled next to me. Somehow he could feel my stress…


Now my country is safe. Ece is happy. My parents are happy. My Bracia’s are REALLY happy, (because I am now old enough to leave home.) Everyone Is happy.

We are safe.

Wednesday 9 June 2021


These last few weeks we have been learning about financials literacy. This is the slide I made with Atawhai and Harper, so go check out their Blogs too! It is about the types of interest that there is, and I hope you Like it!

Thursday 3 June 2021

Water DLO

This week we were assigned  to make a water DLO using the basic facts from texts we had to read.

Emma did "we need water to survive" Noah did "we need clean water" Aden did "why is the water cycle important to humans and plants?" and I did "the water cycle". 

I think it turned out really good.

I hope you enjoy our work.

Monday 31 May 2021

Measurement DLO


For maths this term we have been working on measurement. 

Measurement includes Area, Perimeter and converting. They are all included in the slide I had to make last week. 

Friday 21 May 2021

Isabel-new chapter

In Literacy this week we had to choose a character from our book Refugee and write the next chapter of their lives. This was mine, I hope you find it amusing, and I hope you enjoy!

(Sorry about how this was published, you will need to scroll down to read it)

Think and respond week three.

This week, we have read chapters 11-15 of our book refugee. We had to make a think and respond slide (our third this term, as we do one every week) In the book so far, Isabel's motor boat just died somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Mamoud is about to get smuggled away with his family, and Josef has just become a man and had his Bar Mitzvah.

The blue is text from the book, and the black is my thoughts. 

Monday 17 May 2021

Digital water cycle

 For homework this week we had to make a digital water cycle.

I started with the ocean, when the sun is hot on the ocean it evaporates and form clouds, then it blows around and gets really heavy so it rains, creating precipitation which makes ice and snow, then the snow melt creates runoff which creates rivers and steams. Those rivers and streams may create seepage and infiltration, which makes ground water and groundwater flow which goes under the ocean. Otherwise the rivers, streams and runoff go back into the ocean, which then will evaporate and so on.

Thursday 6 May 2021


 In room seven this week, for literacy we have been reading a book called refugee. It is about three kids, Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud, who live in different countries at different times. They all have to escape the Nazi are attacking and they have to leave! 

We did a vocabulary sheet, with all the words we didn't know or found a bit interesting and found the meaning of the words in the dictionary.

This is my filled in sheet, and I hope you like it.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

ANZAC 2021

 For the last week or so, our class have been learning about ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Which was a really fun area to learn about. 

One of the activities was to make a letter in our drive. But I made mine on paper.

We read a book called "children's war" in school journal 2014. It was very interesting, and it talked about the wars at home and school that the children went through while their fathers were fighting in the great war.

We also had to fill in this sheet about the Maori battalion.

I fell I have improved with my writing, after writing several letters.
If you are going to make a letter to someone in war, I would love to see it!

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Friday 19 February 2021


 On Wednesday the 17th, the year 7 and 8's went down to Arthur fong park to play Cricket. We got down there on the bus, and started playing almost strait away. First my team (lead by our captain Indi) Played the hard-ball boys -we were the hard ball girls-, and lost severely to 91-6! After that we played the soft-ball mixed and won by a good amount of 54-27.  It was nice to see that so many parents had come to watch their children play.We got back at quarter to 3, and in that time we had to make a poster of the Plus's, Minus's and Interesting things. As I state in my poster, it was interesting to see players who, the day before had thought they were bad, play really well!

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

After reading the journal Te Tiriti o Waitangi, these are the main ideas I got out of it.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

All about me

For the all about me activity we choose 2-3 activities so our class can learn more about us and us learning about them.

For this video we had to decide what we would do if we were president.

For this activity we put some clues about us, not too many.
And for this activity we had to make a wanted poster about ourselves.

Waitangi day 2021

Since the start of school Miss Panther has been teaching us about Te Tiriti O Waitangi, or The Treaty Of Waitangi. Something I learned about the treaty of Waitangi was that Henry and Edward William were the two men to translate The Treaty. The Maori had no written language, so I imagine I wouldn't have worked out anyway. Henry and Edward Translated the Treaty wrong, so the Maori were signing to more power the British government had over them. 

Here are some photos of my mahi.